A Session on Basic Life Support (BLS)

The Training program on Basic Life Support (BLS) was organized on 22 nd August, 2023 in the Auditorium for the Staff and Students of IMER. The Session was led by Dr. Prakash Phadnis, Past President, Rotary E-Club of Rotary Dist. 3170 and his team.
Dr. Prakash in his training highlighted a set of clinical interventions for the immediate emergency management of cardiac arrest, heart attack and other life threatening medical emergencies as well as knowledge and skills to apply those interventions.
Students and staff members got hands-on training in essential skills individually and learned the basics of resuscitation like chest compressions, breaths, management of choking etc. The Program was presided over by Director Dr. Arif Shaikh and coordinated by Library Team and Asstt. Physical Director.