Brief Introduction
One of the finest libraries in this region with collection of over 17000 books, 7500 titles and 120 subscription to periodicals.
Technology enabled library - totally computerized using easylib software.
Using DDC (for classification) & AACR2 System (for cataloguing).
Members of the Network Resource Centers i.e. DELNET & INFLIBNET.
Separate Digital Library with 15 PCs for accessing databases.
e-Resources are available through Dspace Software.
New arrivals are communicated through e-mail & WhatsApp.
Coffee/Tea machine is installed at subsidized rate.
Seating capacity of the Centre for 100 Users.
About Our Knowledge Resource Centre
IMER Library is an invaluable resource for students, researchers and faculties of business and management. The library has over the years built a robust collection of over 17000 books, 120 current subscriptions to serials (which include journals and magazines and newspapers) and many other resources like thesis, students project reports, CDs/DVDs, back volumes of journals.
The library, spread over more than 477 Sq.m, also provides access to the best of business and management related digital resources through its subscription to various databases like EBSCO, J-Gate, Capitaline & DVDS consisting of scholarly and industry relevant content.
It provides access to more than 18700 online full texts/abstracts/Index to journals, 41000 company/industry Profiles etc. The functions and services of the library are fully automated.
In a short period, the college Library has earned a good reputation. However, much more still needs to be done to further the cause of education in the best interest of the user community at large.
The library has seen an all-round development during the tenure of Shri. Atul Deshpande, Director and Shri. Ravindra Mutalikdesai, the current Chairman of our Institute. The Management's most important contribution for the development of library is the construction of separate library building with separate Stack & Reading Rooms. Thanks to the efforts of the Management, the library is well equipped with modern furniture (cupboards, chairs, tables, computers and its accessories) and an improved reference collection of valuable books and bound volumes of journals.
The latest books added to the library are being displayed on the display stand. Management Journals are also exhibited to keep the students abreast of current developments. Interesting articles and reading materials in the respect of management topics published in different newspapers are brought to the notice of students through newspaper clipping services. Latest materials on General Knowledge are being provided to the interested readers. We have Dictionaries, Globes, Encyclopedias, for providing Short Range Reference Services. Reading list of authentic books on prescribed subjects are provided to the needy students.
Literature Search is being made to locate relevant required information. Readers are being informed about reference works and right use of their indices. This sort of orientation is beneficial to all those who take part in extra-curricular activities like Debates, Seminars, Moot Court Competitions etc.
Infrastructure Facilities:
The library building has a sprawling space of over 477 Sq. Mtrs., having designated areas for different sections of the library like reading room, discussion area, digital library, archival/stack room section, discussion area, periodical section audio/video visual selection etc., which stimulate a nice ambience for reading.
Library has 3 separate servers for database, library management software and DSpace. All the databases have been web-enabled and made available on the Institute’s LAN through the Digital Library. Every functional unit in the library has been equipped with a network computer to enable smooth information flow. Also one computer kept inside the library to facilitate information accessing by users. Library also has CDs/DVDs, VCR, Scanners, HP LaserJet Printers & color printers.
Library uses easylib software (integrated library management system) for automating various functions in the Library like book procurement, circulation. The easylib also provides web enabled Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) and is available through the institute's LAN. Library uses Bar Code Technology for circulation.
Apart from this, our library has a separate digital library which has been developed using DSpace software. DSpace is an open source repository application that allows us to capture, store, index, preserve and distribute our digital material including text, video, audio and data. DSpace provides a way to manage our materials and publications in a professionally maintained repository to give them greater visibility and accessibility over time.
It has three main roles:
Facilitate the capture and ingest of materials, including metadata about the materials. Facilitate easy access to the materials, both by listing and searching. Facilitate the long-term preservation of the materials.
DSpace is being used to store following types of digital materials, including:e-Books
Question paper sets
Text & Videos (NPTEL course materials)
Project Reports (done by past students)
News Paper Clippings etc.
The book collection of the library consists of text & reference books, theses, directories, and other non-book materials. Most of them are made available on request. There are text & reference books arranged by subjects. Each book is assigned a DDC number and rack number. This number represents the position of the book.
Overnight collection:
This collection consists of books which are available for a shorter period of time (maximum 10 day).
Location of Books by rack numbers
Books bearing location numbers, which indicates cupboard number in which book is stored.
Display of New Books
Every week, new books that are added to our stock, are displayed in the library foyer (as new arrival). A list of such new additions is intimated through e-mail also.
Reference Books Collection
Reference collection including Encyclopedias, Dictionaries, Directories and Handbooks, etc. and some basic books of general nature are available on open shelves in the reference section of the library. These are meant for consultation within the reading room and must not be taken out without permission of the librarian. Each reference book is given unique rack number and compartment number for its location and identification.
Other Materials
We have a large collection of summer project reports done by students of earlier batches (which are available in the form on soft copy as well as hard copy). To know the collection, users have to consult our circulation section "Users Assistance Desk".
CD/DVD accompanying books
Many books in our collection are accompanied by learning materials in CD/DVD format. Those accompanying materials are kept separately. The book catalogue will indicate whether a book has an accompanying material. To borrow those materials, users have contact "Users Assistance Desk".
Journals, Newspapers, and Magazines
The library subscribes to a large number of journals, magazines and newspapers. All current issues of journals, newspapers, and magazines are displayed in the Journal section of the library.
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Mr. Sunil Kulkarni
Working Hours
Collection Development | |
Traditional (Hard copy) | Non-traditional (E-Version) |
Books | e-books |
Periodicals | Online Database |
Question Paper Sets | CDs/DVDs |
Project Reports | English Speaking Course Materials |
Back Issues of Journals | NPTEL Course Materials |
News Paper Clippings | Question Paper Sets |
Project Reports | |
IGNOU Study Materials | |
News Paper Clippings |
Facilities and Services | |
Traditional | ICT Based (e-Version) |
ILL Facilities | E-Mail, WhatsApp |
New Arrivals | New Arrivals |
Information Literacy Progg. | Database |
Facility to Differently Abled Users | Circulation |
Power Back-up | Network Resource Centre |
News Paper Clippings | Syllabus, QP Sets, Notes |
User Orientation Progg. | OPAC |
Reference Services | Kindle e-Reader |
CC TV Camera | News Paper Clippings |
Our Team | ||
Name of the Staff | Qualification | Designation |
Sunil N. Kulkarni | B.Com., M.Lib. & Infor. Sc. | Librarian |
Amol Naik |, BLIS (Bachelor of Library and Information Science) | Data Operator |
Bharat Amanaji | Peon | |
Seema Prabhavalkar | Peon |
Library Advisory Committee Members:
Two Faculty
Three Student Representative
Aims & Objectives of Setting the LAC:
To strengthen & implement the policies, plans & programs related to library.
To give collective advice & guidance or views on matters connected with the development of the library.
Conducts LAC meetings once in a week.
To help in selection of books & other reading materials.
To Prepare stock verification report yearly.
Innovations Best Practices
Best Library Utilizer Award
Tea/Milk Machine is installed
User Education & Information Literacy Programme
Donating of old newspapers & general magazines to Charitable Trust
Providing Newspapers & Business Magazines to each Students
Suggestion box is maintained
Conducting users survey periodically
Reading materials related to Career/Employment
Collection on 'Inspirational Books'
Access to Digital repository through D-Space library software
Digital Photo Gallery
Kindle e-Reader with over 150 books
Greenstone software base e-books collection