Faculty Recognition
Dr. Arif Shaikh
- Best Research Paper Award at National HR Conclave 2012, 18th Feb , 2012
Mrs. Shailaja Hiremath
- A research paper titled "Organization Culture in a small foundry unit in Belgaum; An exploratory analysis of culture dimensions" has been awarded as best paper in the National Conference on Current Practices and Trends in Management organized on September 8 and 9, 2017 at KLS Gogte Institute of Technology, Department of MBA, Udyambag, Belagavi
Mr. Sanjay Deshpande
- A research paper titled "Challenges of Educating Rural India" has been adjudged as an outstanding paper ( First Place ) in National Conference on 24 th September, 2016 organised by ICBM School of Business Excellence, Management Research 2016, Hyderabad.
- Secured second place and Cash Prize of Rs 10000/- for the best case study presentation on "Organization Development of Servocontrols, Pvt. Ltd, Belgaum, India" at an International case conference at ICBM - School of Business Excellence, Hyderabad, Dec 20th, 2014.
Mr. Rahul Mailcontractor
- Mr. Rahul Mailcontractor, Assistant Professor at KLS IMER has successfully completed his NPTEL Online certification course in “Business Statistics”.
- The course was offered through IIT, Roorkee. Mr. Rahul is amongst the top five candidates with the score of 84%.
- He has been awarded the certificate in Elite Silver Topper (Top 5%in the course) category. A total of 3900 students were registered for the course and only 319 were certified.
Mr. Sunil Kulkarni
- Secured third place and Bronze Medal at 38th Karnataka State Yogasana Championship 2018 organized by Karnataka State Amateur Yoga Sports Association held at Kuppanawadi, Chikodi Taluk, Belagavi at Above 35 Years Men Group and also selected for the 43rd National Yoga Sports Championship scheduled to be held by Yoga Federation of India at Patiala (Punjab) from 18th to 22nd November, 2018.
- Participated at National Level Yoga Competition held at Patiyala (Punjab) from 18th to 22nd November, 2018 under above 35 years of category
Mr. George Rodrigues
- Represented Rani Channamma Univerrsity as Team Manager for All India Inter University Swimming Competition (Women) which was held from 6th Nov. 2019 to 8th Nov. 2019 at Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, Punjab.
Mr. Ameet Kulkarni

- Congratulations to Prof. Ameet Kulkarni, Assistant Professor on securing grant from AICTE under Mentor-Mentee Scheme for the year 2024.
Dr. P. M. Charantimath(Retd.)
Dr. Poornima M. Charantimath,Professor, KLS IMER was awarded Woman Achievers Award during International Womans Day on 8th March 2019 by the Institute of Engineers (India), Karnataka State centre Bangalore.
Ms. Isha Panth, IPS, DCP & Shrimati Malini Parmar, CEO - Stonesup.in, Ramachandra Gouda, Former Minister & Engineer, Jasmile Singh, Chairman, IEI Karnataka State Centre Bangalore presented the award. This award was bestowed on her for her contribution to Higher Education & Society.
- 'Pioneering Faculty for Promoting Entrepreneurship Education - 2011' by Deshpande Foundation KA, Japan.
- Recipient of AOTS (Association for Overseas Technical Scholarship to attend Corporate Management for Executives In India , Osaka , Japan (3-14 July , 2006.)
- 'Distinguished Engineers Award' by Institution of Engineers. 1st September 2003
- 'Best Woman Performer from KLS IMER - 2015' by KLS School.
Dr. Kirti Shivakumar(Retd.)
- Women's Day Felicitation at Chikkodi - A.A. Patil College, 8th March , 2016
- 'Best Case Award' at Case Chase - 2012 organized by SEE at ISB on 29-30 March, 2013.
- Best Case Study Award - Amity Business School , March 12th, 2005
- Received MDI-CII-UNDP-AICTE grant of Rs.50000/- for developing case study in the area of Corporate Social Responsibility.
- Grant Received from indian School Of Business Hyderabad for developing Case studies in Entrepreneurship.