Centre for Ethics and Social Responsibility

Mrs. Shailaja G. Hiremath
Asst. Professor
Mrs. Shailaja G. Hiremath
Asst. Professor

Experience: 11 years of Teaching & 3 years in Industry
To create awareness about business ethics and social responsibility amongst various stake holders especially our students, who we wish, shall be responsible citizens in future apart from being business professionals.
To be the leader in value based management education by initiating Ethical Movement and Social Responsiveness in partnership with various stakeholders of the society.Mission
To create a common platform for interaction amongst Educational Institutions, Industries, NGOs & Government Agencies to promote Ethics and Social ResponsibilityObjectives
- To create awareness about Ethics and Social Responsibility amongst stakeholders of society and management students in particular.
- To supplement management education through value based inputs.
- To provide forum for academicians to widen knowledge in the field of Ethics and Social Responsibility.
- To bring out research publications in the area of Ethics & Social Responsibility.
- To provide consultancy services to corporate houses, NGOs & Government agencies in the area of Ethics and Social Responsibility.
- CESR had organized Alumni Interaction on 18.11.2019 with Mr. Prasad Desai, alumnus of IMER (Batch 2017-19).
- KLS IMER students and faculty members had participated in Candle March to observe “International Day of Persons with Disabilities” on 04.12.2019.
- Centre for Ethics and Social Responsibility of KLS IMER, Belagavi had organized an awareness and demonstration session on Vermicomposting Unit by Shri Ramnath Nayak on 24 December 2019.
- Centre for Ethics and Social Responsibility, KLS IMER Belagavi had organized an activity for first year MBA students to collect old newspapers and magazines and donated the same to Shantai Vidyaadhar Project, Belagavi on 19th November 2019