Free Eye Check-up Camp

As a part of institute’s social responsibility, KLS IMER, in association with Netradarshan Eye Hospital, Belagavi, organized a Free Eye Check-up Camp for the students & staff of Govt. Marathi Model School Yellur, Belagavi on 4th December, 2023.
The event was a great success, with a turnout of more than 320 students & staff members. The camp aimed to provide comprehensive eye examinations to identify any potential vision problems or eye-related issues among the students & staff.
The camp was conducted by a team of experienced and dedicated eye care professionals from Netradarshan Eye Hospital. They conducted thorough eye examinations, including visual acuity tests, screening for common eye diseases, and providing necessary guidance and recommendations for further treatment, if required.
The camp was organized under the guideship of Director, Dr. Arif Shaikh and coordinated by Mr. Sunil Kulkarni, Librarian, KLS IMER, Mr. AmolNaik, Asstt. Librarian & Physical Education Director Mr. George Rodrigues.