KLS IMER Advocates Human Rights Protection: Hosts Webinar on CSAM and POSH Act 2013

On 9th Dec. 2023,KLS Institute of Management Education and Research hosted the webinar, focusing on the ‘Protection of the Rights of Children against production, distribution and consumption of Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM) and significance of Protection of Women from Sexual Harassment at the workplace Act, i. e. called as POSH Act 2013, to shed light on pivotal aspects encompassed within the sphere of Human Rights. The webinar was organised by the Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) and Women Empowerment Cell (WEC) of IMER, in resonance with the directive from AICTE to fortify the cause of human rights protection.
KLS IMER, Director, Dr.Arif Shaikh, Acknowledged the imminent celebration of Human Rights Day on December 10th, an occasion commemorating the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and chose to initiate its observance a day prior, aligning this informative event with the spirit of significant day of adoption of as POSH Act 2013.
Dr.ShailajaHiremath, presiding officer, ICC and WEC with a robust background in education and industry, steered the session, offering insights into the statistics, scenario of CSAM, social and legal remedies and significance of proactive measures in safeguarding individuals against adversities.
The event was co-ordinated by Ms. Goutami Maganur, Asst. Prof. and concluded by proposing vote of thanks by IQAC student coordinator, Mr. Abhishek Parvatikar, Emphasizing the preparation and empowerment of children and women to navigate life's challenges was the learning outcome of this thought-provoking session.