Third Graduation day 2025

Third Graduation day 2025
KLS IMER celebrated its third Graduation Day on 1 st March, 2025. 111 Students were awarded with the provisional passing certificate of MBA and top 10 students were felicitated on this occasion by the dignitaries .The assembly started with Academic procession. Shri. R. S. Mutalik, Chairman, Governing Body, KLS IMER welcomed the gathering. Dr. Arif Shaikh, Director, presented the college report. On this occasion Ms. Vrushali Bhatkande was awarded with the gold medal, Mr. Sulay Punajiche received the silver medal & Ms. Raksha Pandey was awarded with bronze medal. Dr. C M Thyagaraja, Honorable Vice Chancellor, RCU, Belagavi was the Chief Guest and he advised students to maintain integrity in life, to maintain the professional spirit at the work place. He stressed upon grounding the concepts, aligning the concepts to technology are the mantras for success. Dr. Ajit Parulekar, Director Goa Institute of Management delivered the key note address. He stressed upon the significance of Alma Mater, Technology and Innovation & fulfilling the parent’s aspirations. Shri. Anant Mandgi, President, KLS in his presidential remarks stressed upon affinity towards Alma matter and evolving of students towards professional ethics and to reach towards the heights of success, he also congratulated the students for their successful completion of MBA degree.
The Governing Body members, Academic Council Members, Members of KLS Board of Management, Faculty, parents & students were present on this occasion.