Inauguration of Vermicomposting Unit

Vermicomposting unit was installed at KLS IMER campus as a part of institutional social responsibility towards environmental consciousness on 10th August 2018. The initiative was inaugurated by Shri. Ram Bhandare, Industrialist and Member, Governing Council KLS IMER, Belagavi. The benefits of vermicomposting unit include generation of 100% organic nutritious manure using tree leaves, kitchen waste, cow dung and other biodegradable waste. The manure so produced will be utilized for campus garden.
Shri. Rajendra Belgaumkar, Chairman GC, KLS IMER, Shri. V. M. Deshpande, Shri. P. G. Badkundri, Shri. R. S. Mutalikdesai , members Karnatak Law Society, Dr. S. G. Chiniwar, Director KLS IMER were present during the occasion. The initiative was coordinated by Mr. Shreekant Naik and Mrs. Shailaja Hiremath. Mr. Sunil Kulkarni, Mr. Basavaraj Kumasi and students also volunteered to execute the project.