Achiever's Day 2020

KLS IMER celebrated Achiever's Day to facilitate the student achievements in Academics, Extracurricular, Co-curricular & Sports activities on Monday 20/01/2020.
Prof. Basavaraj Padmashali, Registrar, RCU,Belagavi graced the occasion and honored the student achievers in the field of academic, research and sports. He addressed the gathering and gave ideal watch words to students and motivated them to participate irrespective of outcomes in all the events which help in building personality. He stressed upon the fact that everybody has potential & must explore the opportunities to exhibit that potential. He further quoted that the digital knowledge is temporary but personal interaction with books & teachers is permanent. He appreciated the working standards of KLS IMER and congratulated Management, Staff and Students. He advised the students to be prepared for success & struggle for success. He urged that there is no substitute for hard work.
Shri. R.S. Mutalik Desai, Chairman, GC, KLS IMER presided over the function. In his presidential remarks he stressed upon that achievement is part of life & should be continued throughout life. Getting award is beginning & not the end. He advised the students to have a better relationship with the society & family by following moral values & be a model to the society.
Director Dr. Atul R. Deshpande welcomed the gathering. Prof. Shrirang Deshpande proposed the vote of thanks.
Miss. Ritika and Miss. Aishwarya performed masters of ceremony. Ms. Gandhali & Bhagyashri introduced the guest
On this occasion the students, Faculty & well-wishers of KLS-IMER were present.