Workshop on "Artificial Intelligence made easy for all"

KLS IMER had organized a Seminar on "Artificial Intelligence made easy for all" on 10th April 2021. The seminar intends to make Students, staff, IT and Non IT Professional explore Artificial Intelligence and its applications in our day today life.
Dr.Atul R. Deshpande welcomed the gathering and emphasised on how AI has changed our life and the need of Artificial Intelligence for all professionals.
The resource person for the seminar was ChetanaSarang, AI ML & DS Expert, Founder & CEO, JigyasaInfonautics, Belgaum. In her very systematic presentation the resource person explored various facets of artificial intelligence and machine learning and its practical application.
Students, faculty members and industry professional from various Organizations participated in the seminar. A seminar was coordinated by Prof.DeepaSaibannavar, Assistant Professor, KLS IMER.