Students of KLS IMER, Belagavi (MBA) emerge champions at Bamboozle 2017

The students of KLS's IMER Belagavi bagged the general championship at Bamboozle 2017, a national level management fest organized by KLE's IMSR Hubbali. This fest focused on advertisement and media. The students won the following events, first place in Curtain raiser (group event), 1st place in Ad-Flickster (Ms. Monica Soni) 1st place in Ad-wiz (Ameet Machaknur and Nikhil Panari), 2nd place in Ad-o-mania (Govind Kolvekar and Sonal Patil), and 2nd place in Ad-man (Pavan Badiger). The team was guided by the director Dr. Purushottam Bung and Dr. Kirti Shivkumar. Professor.