CSR Advisory Cell at KLS IMER

Corporate Social Responsibility Advisory Cell, a Joint venture of KLS IMER and KLS R. L. Law College was inaugurated at KLS IMER on Saturday 13.7.2019. Speaking on this occasion, Shri. Vinayak Lokur, CEO Expert Engineering Enterprises, Belagavi gave many instances wherein his company takes these CSR activities actively. He said, “CSR is a commitment where company who falls into the criteria of CSR compliance needs to spend their 2% profits on social causes given under the Schedule VII of the Companies Act, 2013. Although, CSR is mandatory it must be on the principles of Give and Take, Selflessness, Sustainability and Philanthropy. He Said, his company is already involved in CSR activities like Blood Donation Camps, Tree Plantation and this inception of a CSR Cell would serve as a platform for various companies and NGO’s to come together and serve the social causes. Shri. Rajendra Belgaumkar, Noted Entrepreneur and Chairman, GC IMER, in his address, stressed upon the need of the CSR Cell. He was pleased with the fact that this CSR Cell would be a great Platform for exchange of ideas, which can be used to develop Belagavi city as a Smart City. As CSR Projects involve sustainable development projects, this Cell would promote and implement such ideas for the betterment of Belagavi city as a smart city. It was stated that the CSR Cell Members will cater the need of the Companies who would approach them for consultancy in the following areas: Mr. S.R. Deshpande (C.S.) ROC Compliance, Mr. Ashok Paranjape (C.A) Accounting, and Dr. Samina Nahid Baig (Legal Consultancy) and Dr. Atul Deshpande, Dr. Kirti Shivakumar, Ms. Shailaja Hiremath amd Mr. Rahul Mailcontractor (CSR, HR, Finance, Analytics and NGO Affiliation). The CSR Cell Brochure was unveiled during this event. Many Industry representatives from Aques, Ashok Iron Group, Orione Hydraulics, and NGOs like Mahesh Foundation, Asharya Foundation, Rajlaxmi Foundation, Jay Bharat Foundations and NGO BARK of Belagavi attended the Inauguration. Dr. Atul Deshpande, Director, KLS IMER welcomed the gathering and Dr. Sandhya H.V. Principal RLLC, Faculty and Staff of both Institutions were present for the occasion.
Any industry that needs any of the services can contact KLS IMER at 9449007550 or mail at csradvisorycell@klsimer.edu