Observance of International Day for Elimination of Violence Against Women on 25th November 2022 organized by Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) at KLS IMER

KLS IMER is committed to promote “Gender Equality and Women Empowerment” and preventing all forms of violence against women that impacts her dignity and overall health. IMER faculty members and staff observed International Day for Elimination of Violence Against Women on 25 th November 2022.
Dr. Shailaja Hiremath, Presiding Officer-ICC, addressed on the occasion and emphasized on the need for creating awareness and educating each one in the society about various forms of violence against women and measures to prevent the same. Prof. Rahul Mailcontractor also shared his views on the occasion and narrated the importance of family values that teach all individuals to treat women respectfully. Dr. Arif Shaikh, Director (In-charge) made the introductory remark and said IMER has right policies and mechanism in place to ensure safety and rightful participation of girl students and women employees on campus.