One week online FDP on "Unlocking Opportunities: Publishing in Scopus Indexed Journals"

The KLS-IMER Research Center, Belagavi, successfully concluded a week-long online Faculty Development Program (FDP) titled "Unlocking Opportunities: Publishing in Scopus Indexed Journals". The program, which ran from February 12th to 17th, 2024, garnered an enthusiastic 240 participants from faculty members across various disciplines.
The FDP aimed to equip faculty with the necessary skills to navigate the submission and review process of Scopus-indexed journals effectively. Led by organizer Ms. Savitha Kulkarni, the program offered valuable insights into strategies for increasing research visibility and impact, emphasizing the importance of Scopus-indexed journals in academic research. The FDP was initiated by Dr. Arif Shaikh, Director, KLS IMER, and supported by The Honorable Chairman Shri. R S Mutalik.