Fostering Publication Integrity and Plagiarism Awareness

The Research Centre of KLS IMER, Belagavi organized a "Seminar on Fostering Publication Integrity and Plagiarism Awareness" on 26th October 2018. The programme was inaugurated by Shri. Rajendra Belgaumkar, Chairman, GC KLS IMER.
The seminar was organized to sensitize researchers to promote publication integrity and prevent plagiarism in research. The seminar was organized into two sessions. The first session was on "Promotion of Academic Integrity and Prevention of Plagiarism in Higher educational institution Regulation 2018" by Professor Satish Anikhindi, Lecturer, R. L. Law College, Belagavi. The second session was on "Antiplagiarism: giving credit where it is due", by Dr. Shrinivas R. Mangalwede, Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, KLS GIT.
The session was attended by around fifty research scholars and faculty members representing Visveswariah Technological University (VTU), Rani Chennamma University (RCU), Belagavi and Karnataka University, Dharwar. The seminar was co-ordinated by Dr. Poornima M. Charantimath & Ms. Deepa Saibannavar. The Director and Faculty members also attended the seminar.