Celebrated Gandhi Jayanti at KLS IMER

Centre for Peace celebrated 147th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhiji. Prof. A.K. Mense, Principal, GSS College, Belagavi gave a key note address on "Relevance of Gandhian Philosophy in today's context" and highlighted various problems that India is facing today, like,
- Unemployment of the urban youth leading to unrest in the society
- Ignorance of agriculture sector by the Government leading to more and more migration of the rural youth to urban areas causing urban congestion and environmental degradation.
- Ignorance of village development by the Government leading to lop sided development of the nation.
- Exploitation of the unprivileged population by the so called elite population.
- Ignorance of primary education and primary health care sector, all across the nation.
He said all the above mentioned problems can be resolved by embracing Gandhian Philosophy which can be stated in nut shell as follows;
- 1. "Economy should be human centric and not market centric"
- 2. "Improve/Empower villages - country will automatically improve and get empowered as India live in villages"
All the guests, faculty, students & staff offered floral tribute to Mahatma Gandhi and interacted with the key note speaker. Prof. Pratibha Naik sang the invocation song.