KLS IMER Conducted IT Literacy Camp in Rural Areas of Belagavi

KLS IMER conducted an IT Literacy Camp for one day on 17th Jan 2020 to educate students of Rural Government Schools about usage of Computers and Basic Computer Skills as a part of Institute,s Social Responsibility. IT team with 21 students visited rural places like Uchagaon and Kallehol covering three schools and interacted with the rural students and staff and trained them on basic applications of computers. Around 300 students with 10 staff were benefited by this Event.
The objective of this activity was to educate students of Rural Government schools about basic Computer applications like MS- Word, WordPad, Paint, Calculator and Internet browsing, cyber security etc.
IT Team of KLS IMER, Prof. Deepa Saibannavar, Mrs. Sapna Kulkarni, Mrs. Sushma Rawoot and Mr. Aditya Narang coordinated the entire activity. Dr. Atul R. Deshpande, Director KLS IMER, motivated staff and students of KLS IMER for the camp.