Kaizen Event at KLS IMER

Kaizen is a Japanese word meaning continuous improvement. KLS IMER, believes in practical approach to problem solving. Therefore the institute has organized a Kaizen project competition on Thursday 15th Dec. 2016. There were around fifteen Kaizen projects and all the students from the final year MBA participated in the event. Mr. Nitish Suntankar and Mr. Srihari Lele from NVST TQM consultants, Belagavi were the judges.
The main purpose for organizing the event was to implement Kaizen on the campus, which led to various improvements on the campus. The students were organized in groups implemented Kaizen on the campus and made presentation on their respective Kaizen projects and Questions were asked by the judges. The projects were evaluated by the judges and first three prizes were declared by the judges to the winners. Dr. Purushottam Bung, Director congratulated the winners. The event was coordinated by Dr. Poornima M. Charantimath.