Certificate Distribution Ceremony (MOOC & CREDAI)

Students of KLS IMER successfully completed eight weeks IIMBx MOOC certificate course on "Predictive Anlaytics" and six weeks Research Project on "Marker Research of Real Estate Residential Property in Belagavi City" for CREDAI, Belagavi Chapter.
A formal distribution of certificates to the students was done at the hands of Shri. Rajendra Belgaumkar, Chairman, Governing Council, KLS IMER on 14th May 2018. He insisted upon honing the required skill sets in the world of artificial intelligence through such certification programs.
Students were exposed to online learning platform through MOOC and acquired hands on practical experience through CREDAI project. Dr. S. G. Chiniwar, Director, KLS IMER supported the initiatives.
Faculty coordinators, Dr. Poornima Charantimath for CREDAI and Prof. Ajay Jamnani for MOOC were present.