Mr. IMER & Mr. Gladiator - 2016

Institute organized "Mr. Gladiator - 2016", KLS - Inter Institutional Top - 10 Body Building Competition and "Mr. IMER - 2016", District level Inter- collegiate Body Building Competition, in association with BDBBA to encourage upcoming body builders of Belagavi District. The main purpose behind organizing this competition was to promote fitness and gym culture among the students and to motivate them to participate in internal and external body building competition.
19 Students from IMER, GIT, Vasantrao Potadar Polytechnic, Gogte P.U. and Gogte College of Commerce participated in "Mr. Gladiator - 2016" Top-10 Body Building Competition.
40 students from various colleges of Belagavi District participated in "Mr. IMER - 2016" District level Inter collegiate Body Building Competition.
Shri. Avinash Potdar, President of BDBBA (Belgaum District Body Building Association) was the chief guest. In his address he elaborated to the students the importance of doing regular exercise and keeping oneself physically fit in today's life. He asked the students to make use of the modern equipment available for the Bodybuilding. Shri Rajendra Belgaumkar, Chairman, GC, KLS IMER was the President of the ceremony. Members of Belagavi District Body Building Association Shri. Ajit Siddannavar, International Judge and Karnataka State Secretary, Shri Prakash Pujari, National Judge, Gangadhar M, District Secretary and other officials of BDBBA were the jury for the event.
Following students bagged the various titles:
Mr. Gladiator - 2016
- Amit Chougule of GIT as 'Mr. Gladiator 2016'
- Aneesh Faniband of GIT as 'Most Muscular Man'
- Muralidhar Shinde of GCC as 'Mr. Macho'
- Pratamesh Astekar of Vasantrao Potadar Polytechnic as 'Best Poser'
- Team Championship was won by GIT.
Mr. IMER - 2016
- Darshan Patil of Pandit Nehru College as Mr. IMER - 2016
- Neelkanth K. N of RPD College as Best Poser
- Team Championship was won by RPD College.
Click below link to view the news papers clips:
Body Building Competiton on 01.03.2016