Session on Organizational Learning
A session on “Organizational Learning” was organised at KLS IMER for the students from HR specialization on 16 th December 2021. Mr. Vithal Asode, Certified Corporate Trainer was the resource person for the session. He enlightened the students on importance of Human Resource for an organization. He emphasised the need for managing and developing the Knowledge, Skills and Attitude of people for ensuring Organizational Learning. Mr. Vithal explained the process of Learning and Development and shared his experience in the field of training. He further motivated students to develop communication skills, convincing skills, listening skills, patience and perseverance for being successful HR managers in future. He gave many practical tips, which are essential to enter the corporate world. Dr. Arif Shaikh, Director (In-charge) presided over the session. Ms. Nidhi introduced the resource person and Ms. Shivani presented the vote of thanks. The session was coordinated by Dr. Shailaja Hiremath.