Orientation Session on ‘Sensitisation on the provisions of the POSH Act-2013’

On 19 th May 2023, Internal Complaints Committee (ICC)-KLS IMER organised an Orientation Session in blended mode on ‘Sensitisation on the provisions of the POSH Act-2013’ to raise awareness about the implementation of Sexual Harassment of Women at workplace (prevention, prohibition and redressal) Act, 2013 amongst all the staff and students. The guest speaker for this event was Ms. Ruta Pandit, Certified POSH Trainer from Nashik.
Ms. Ruta spoke on the complaint mechanism, enquiry process, timelines, and highlighted the functions of the Internal Complaints Committee (ICC). She especially encouraged women employees to become aware of their rights provided to them through this Act and urged the male audience to also be educated about the Act. Dr. Shailaja Hiremath, Presiding Officer-ICC presented introductory remarks on why higher education institutions have to conduct the sessions on Gender Sensitization. Ms. Antara Jatti and Ms. Misbah Shaikh anchored the session.