Research Colloquium at KLS IMER

The Research Centre of KLS' Institute of Management Education and Research, Belagavi has organized a Research Colloquium on 24th May 2017 as part of Research Colloquium series. The topic chosen for the Research Colloquium was "Architectural Heritage of Belgaum Region: Marketing Legacy through Tourism Promotion Strategy" and the resource person was Dr. Mrs. Smita P. Surebankar, Principal, Rani Parvati Devi college of Arts and Commerce, Belagavi. The main objective of the Research Colloquium Forum is to expose the students and faculty members of the institute to the most current research in the field of Social sciences.
Dr. Smita Surebankar in her presentation said: Belagavi has a history of 2000 years. Belagavi is blessed with three unique culture of Goa, Maharastra and Karnataka. There are number of monuments in and around Belagavi. Based on her research she spoke on the history of monuments such as: Belgaum fort - Old Jain temple (Kamal Basti), Jain temple outside the Commissariat store yard and remains of an old Hindu Temple. She also narrated the history of Kittur referring to Kittur fort and Bastigudi temple. In her presentation she also covered history and cultural heritage of Huli - Temple of Panchlingdev, Konnur - Ruined temple, Wakkund - Jain temple of Mukteshwar, Nandgad (Khanapur) - Old Jain temple in the jungle and many more. She concluded that if these monuments are protected, maintained and showcased, it would result in promotion of tourism resulting in generation of employment and revenue.
Dr. Poornima M. Charantimath, Professor and coordinator, Research centre of the institute coordinated the Research Colloquium on behalf of the Research Centre of the Institute. The Colloquium was attended by the Director and all the faculty members, research scholars and the students of the Institute.