III session by Mr. Manoj Ambike

KLS IMER organised III Session on "Spirituality at Work Place" on 13th April 2016. Mr. Manoj Ambike, Trainer, Management Consultant & Author was the resource person for the session. The session was focused on importance of spirituality in work life.
The session highlighted on the importance of developing the response skill to manage difficult situations and people in organisations. Patience, calmness and waiting for some time before giving quick reactions were some of the methods discussed during the session. The discussion was on how to achieve success and the importance of managing people in team work. He spoke on importance of connecting with people emotionally to achieve the desired aim in organisations. He also focused on understanding aim beyond aim and learning to direct the energy of others towards the organizational goal. He also highlighted on ability to gain the information, confidence and learnings from the environment, are the keys to achieve the goal. He focused on calmness and good response, smiling at others, avoiding clashes at workplace which will make individuals grow in their career. There was good interaction during the session as many participants raised the questions.