Paper Presentation Competition at SMSR 2018

Mr. Salil Joshi, student of III semester MBA from KLS IMER won the first place at the paper presentation competition organized by School of Management Studies & Research, KLE Technological University, at Hubali, on 26/10/18. Mr. Salil Joshi had completed his project at Expert Engineering Enterprises which is a forerunner in excellent business practices and Quality Management Systems under the guidance of Mr. Ameet Kulkarni, Asst. Professor. The project was titled 'Kaizen Implementation and Benefits at Expert Engineering Enterprises". Mr. Rajendra Belgaumkar, GC, Chairman, KLS IMER, Dr. S, G. Chiniwar, Director KLS IMER , Shri Vinayak Lokur , CEO , Expert Engineering Enterprises and Dr. Kirti Shivakumar, Professor, congratulated Salil for his excellent project .