KLS IMER honored with Swachh Campus Award

KLS IMER was felicitated at eduINDIA 2016 recently at India International Centre, New Delhi Felicitation was owing to swachh campus initiatives undertaken on the campus. The Institute was one amongst very few Institutes to be honored pan India basis and second only in South India. About 330 colleges participated in Campus Swachhata Challenge 2016. Various factors like Dry & Wet waste management measures, Water treatment, Rain water harvesting tapping renewable energy sources, creating paperless environment were taken into consideration. Recognition of KLS IMER is testimony of appreciation of various initiatives on campus. This prestigious award was given at the hands of Sri. Vijay Goel, Minister of Youth Affairs and Sports, Govt of India.
Campus Swachhata Survey 2016 was an attempt to know in greater detail the cleanliness quotient of India's Educational Campuses. The outcome of this Survey shall result in a Campus Swacchata Index 2016. The top seeded Campuses were felicitated during eduINDIA 2016 at New Delhi.
Campus Swachhata initiative was undertaken by the entire team with the coordination of Mr. Sanjay K. Deshpande, Mr. Vithal Deshpande , Mr. Sunil Kulkarni under the guidance of Dr. Purushottam Bung, Director and Sri. Rajendra K.Belgaumkar, Chairman, GC, KLS IMER.