Talk on Chanakya and his Management Ideas

Prof. Radhakrishnan Pillai, Founder - Director of Chanakya Institute of Public leadership (CIPL), Mumbai, delivered a talk on 'Chanakya and his Management Ideas' on Wednesday, 9th March 2016 at KLS IMER. Prof. Pillai is a well known management speaker, trainer, author, columnist, consultant and a visiting faculty at prestigious institutes across the globe. He is the author of the best- seller 'Corporate Chanakya'. 200 plus participants attended the Talk including members of TiE-Hubli, Students of management and commerce of various Institutes, Entrepreneurs, Practitioners, Consultants, Academicians and Businesspersons of Belagavi.
Prof. Radhakrishnan Pillai spoke on sutras from 'Kautilya's Arthashastra' and their relevance to Leadership, Economics, Law, Foreign Policy. He said that to become a good leader one must focus on external and internal challenges simultaneously. He also enlightened the participants that one must adjust oneself accordingly to the situation with the necessary set of skills and should master the art of focusing on multiple things at the same time. He encouraged students to inculcate the habit of reading and to document the same. He launched his latest book 'Chanakya in You' on this occasion. 10 attendees for the Talk were randomly chosen to receive a copy of 'Corporate Chanakya' signed by the author. The session was interactive with participants raising a number of queries that were answered by Prof. Pillai.
The talk was convened by Dr. Shashikant Kulgod, Surgeon, Shri. Rajendra Belgaumkar, Chairman, GC, KLS IMER and Shri. Deepak Dhadoti, Industrialist, on behalf of TiE Hubali in association with KLS IMER.
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