Talk on Networking and Mentoring

TiE - Hubli in association with its educational partner, KLS IMER, Belagavi, had organized a talk on "Scaling up Business via Networking & Mentoring" by Mr. Kanwal Rekhi, a successful American business man, entrepreneur, angel investor and Co-founder TiE on Saturday, 23rd January, 2016 at KLS IMER. 250 plus participants including members of TiE-Hubli, Industrialists across sectors, Doctors, Chartered Accountants, Academicians and Students attended the Talk.
Mr. Kanwal Rekhi in his talk emphasized the role of entrepreneurship in creating wealth for India. He said that generally 2% of the people are entrepreneurs. If the Startup India Campaign resulted in these 2% having 15 - 20 people each; it would catapult India into big leaguers. He also said that those who persisted with entrepreneurship for a year or two, increased their odds of success 10 fold. He said that Indians have become the most entrepreneurial group in the Silicon Valley and most of them want to look back and help other entrepreneurs to grow without expectations and he added that this is how TiE was conceptualized in the US. He said that entrepreneurship is in the genes of Indians and it only needs to be promoted and an eco-system to be created to support it to thrive. The session was interactive with participants from different sectors like health care, manufacturing, education, IT and other services raising a number of queries that were answered by Mr. Rekhi. He advised entrepreneurs to step out of their comfort zone and grow so that jobs and wealth were created and poverty reduced.
Mr. Goutam Ostwal, President, TiE-Hubli welcomed the gathering. Mr. Rajendra Belgaumkar, Chairman, GC, KLS IMER, made a brief presentation about the key pillars of the Belagavi economy. Mr. R. K. Patil, CEO, Vayavya Labs made a brief presentation about Information Technology Landscape at Belagavi and Dr. Shashikant Kulgod proposed the vote of thanks.
The Talk was convened on behalf of TiE-Hubli by Dr. Shashikant Kulgod, Surgeon, Shri. Rajendra Belgaumkar, Chairman, Governing Council, KLS IMER and Shri. Deepak Dhadoti, Industrialist.