KLS IMER’s "Voters Awareness Program" in association with MARVELOUS BELGAUM on 5th April 2023

Students of KLS IMER in association with MARVELOUS BELGAUM conducted a session on "Voters Awareness Program" at KLS IMER College on 5th April 2023 to make the students aware about Karnataka Elections, how the elections are conducted, code of conduct and their right to vote. The students of KLS IMER in association with team Marvelous Belgaum have taken this initiative to spread knowledge and make general public and students aware of Karnataka Elections and how they are conducted
Under this initiative, the students and team Marvelous Belgaum, have made an informative video on Karnataka elections and its code of conduct and conducted a session on “Voters Awareness Program” initially at KLS IMER to educate students on Karnataka Elections, knowledge about past political data, statistics of legislative assembly and code of conduct.
We are also looking forward to conducting these type of sessions in various other colleges and institutions of Belagavi
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