Workshop on Writing Research Papers

The Research Centre of KLS IMER, Belagavi organized a two day workshop on writing Research Papers and Drafting Proposals in Social Sciences on 12th and 13th January, 2016.
Mr. Sameer Kanburgi, Chief Executive Officer from Phoenix Products, Udyambag, Belagavi inaugurated the workshop. In his inaugural address Mr. Sameer called the participant researchers to work for solving the problems of industry in particular and society in general. He said the goal of the research is to remove the pain points of the people in the society and to elevate the standard of living of the people in the society. He also gave an overall view of his association with various research organizations such as: TERI - New Delhi, IISC - Bangalore, SAWA - Netherlands, TIDE - Bangalore, KSSR & DI - Bangalore and many more. These have helped his organization to design and develop products relevant to the end users.