Donation of old newspapers to Shantai Vidyaadhar Project

Centre for Ethics and Social Responsibility, KLS IMER Belagavi organized an activity for first year MBA students to collect old newspapers and magazines and donated the same to Shantai Vidyaadhar Project, Belagavi. Shantai Vidyaadhar Project supports students, who cannot afford to pay the fees towards their education. There are many examples of such students, who completed their Engineering, Medical and other degrees with the help of this initiative. Mr. Vijay More, Ex-Mayor and Social Activist accepted the donation of more than 1000 Kgs of old newspapers on behalf of Shantai Vidyaadhar Project. He addressed the students about importance of social work and contribution to uplift the weaker section of the society. Dr. Atul R. Deshpande, Director, KLS IMER, appreciated the students and Library team for their active role in this initiative. Prof. Shailaja Hiremath, Prof. Shreekant Naik and Mr. Sunil Kulkarni executed the event.